1 Be an ally.

Learn what it means to be a true ally to the Black community from Monique Melton and Waste Free Marie.

2 Make a plan.

Read “75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice” and MAKE. A. PLAN.

3 Participate.

Create a sticky note starting with the words “Note to self…” then announce how you plan to be a better ally to the Black community. The more specific, the better. Email it to booksbymiabrabham@gmail.com or post it to social media and tag @yourstrulymia. Then put it on your bathroom mirror, your laptop, your car visor, your window, your fridge, your desk, your heart; remember your part in this movement every day.

4 Get immediate justice.

Black women are often overlooked in this fight. We’re still chasing justice for Breonna; please do everything you can.

5 Take action.

Keep up to date on where you can donate, sign petitions, and vote here. To start, consider matching my $50 donation to Color of Change.